Virovitičko-podravska županija (Uvijek otvorenih vrata)Virovitičko-podravska županija




Legal basis: Trade Act (NN no. 87/08, 96/08, 116/08, 114/11, 68/13, 30/14, 32/19, 98/19, 32/20) and Ordinance on minimum technical conditions related to sales facilities, equipment and resources in sales facilities and conditions for sale of goods outside stores ( NN no. 66/09, 108/09, 8/10, 108/14).

Obligee: Any legal entity or individual person registered for purchase and sale of goods (merchant), as well as other legal entity and individual person registered for production activity, when they sell their products at retail (family farms, associations, cooperatives, institutions, commercial fishermen and other).

Exceptionally, trade activities can be performed in sales facilities in accordance with the provisions of the Law without a new decision on fulfillment of the conditions, if a decision of the competent authority on fulfillment of the conditions for the performance of trade activities has already been issued for the same sales facility, if it concerns the continuation of the performance of trade activities, and in the meantime there have been no significant changes related to the sales facility, equipment and means used to carry out trade activities, if it is not about food and goods dangerous to life and health of people and animals, as well as nature and the environment.


Legal basis: Law on seeds, planting material and recognition of agricultural plants varieties (NN no. 110/21)
Obligee: All persons involved in the sale of seeds and planting material.


Legal basis: Law on Sustainable Use of Pesticides (NN no. 46/22).
Obligee: All persons involved in the sale of plant protection products.

The request is submitted to the Administrative Department for Economy and Agriculture of Virovitica-Podravina County, according to the location of the craft’s headquarters – Virovitica, Slatina, Orahovica, Pitomača.

Application submission method:

  • by personally coming to the competent administrative body
  • via e-mail

Along  with the request, the party must attach:

  • Evidence of registration (Excerpt from the court register of the Commercial Court for legal entities, extract from the Craft Register for individuals)
  • Notification on the classification of the Central Bureau of Statistics (only trading companies)
  • Evidence of the right to use the building or business premises (lease agreement or extract from the land register)
  • Graphic solution that shows the square footage and description of the rooms
  • Evidence for use of the building in accordance with the Construction Act (NN no. 153/13, 20/17, 39/19,125/19)
  • Evidence of electrical installations correctness
  • Evidence of gas installations correctness and tightness (evidence of chimney functionality and maintenance)
  • Evidence of the ventilation correctness/functionality in trade of plant protection products and when thermal processing of food is carried out inside the store
  • Evidence of the heating elements correctness/functionality (air conditioners, heaters, stoves, etc.), if they are located in the building
  • Evidence of work environment testing
  • Evidence of administrative fee payment – for decisions on determining minimum technical and other conditions in business premises, they are charged to the giro account number:
    -HR12 1001005-1863000160
    -reference number: HR (64) 5002-33072-OIB)
  • Amounts of administrative fees as follows:
    • for sales facilities with an area of ​​up to 200 m2 ………130,00 HRK / 17,25 EUR
    • for sales facilities with an area bigger than 200 m2 ..…280,00 HRK / 37,16 EUR
    • for sales facilities where the trade activity is carried out outside the stores….. 50,00 HRK /   6,64 EUR

Request for issuance of a decision on minimum technical conditions for trade

Datum zadnjeg ažuriranja: 12. prosinca 2022.

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